Monday, December 30, 2019

Ith Reference to One Major International Conflict, Analyse...

With reference to one major international conflict, analyse and assess the geographical impacts of conflicts on the area (40) A conflict is a disagreement caused by the actual or perceived opposition of needs, values and interests between people; which can vary in intensity from political non-violent activity, to direct action and violence. When a conflict is created an extensive list of geographical impacts follow, including social, political, environmental or even international impacts. For centuries there was no such conflict. In the 19th century the land of Palestine was inhabited by a multicultural population, approximately 86% Muslim, 10% Christian, and 4% Jewish living in peace. However, in the late 1800s a group in Europe†¦show more content†¦As a result, Palestinians will lose nearly 18% of their share of the basin’s water. The sandy desert soil tends to absorb water and other pollutants such as sewage easily. This along with the groundwater remaining fairly close to the surface leads to easy contamination. This combined with an aging, poorly maintained, and now war-damaged sewage system, has led to groundwater pollution, which could severely affect the lives of many. Secondly, the close relation between the social and environmental impacts that this Middle Eastern conflict is creating for the citizens of both Palestine and Israel becomes evident. In 2010, UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reported that, almost all of Gaza’s 13,000 families who depend on farming, herding and fishing have suffered damage to their assets during the recent conflict and many farms have been completely destroyed. Owing to a limited agricultural production, people in Gaza are facing an acute shortage of nutritious, locally-produced and affordable food. Over 10,000 Palestinian men, women, and children are held in Israeli prisons. Few of which have had a legitimate trial reporting that Physical abuse and torture are frequent. Palestinian borders are frequently controlled by Israeli forces. Periodically men, women, and children are strip searched, people are beaten, food and medicine are blocked from entering Gaza, producing anShow MoreRelatedOverview of Hrm93778 Words   |  376 Pagesof the laws are so extensive that to comply with them, many human resource departments must work countless hours and often must hire additional staff. Four areas that have been influenced most by legislation include equal employment, Compensation, safety, and labor relations. An organization s failure to comply with laws regulating these areas can result in extremely costly back-pay awards, class action suits, and penalties. d. Consistency Human resource policies help to maintain consistency andRead MoreManagement Control Systems Pdf115000 Words   |à ‚  460 Pageswithout prior permission in writing from Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India. Fo ISBN 81-7881-995-3 Ref. No. PMCS/A 01 2K6 31 For any clarification regarding this book, the students may please write to ICFAI giving the above reference number, and page number. While every possible care has been taken in preparing this book, ICFAI welcomes suggestions from students for improvement in future editions. rI B S U se O nl y C la s s of 20 09 Contents Read MoreHuman Resources Management150900 Words   |  604 PagesCHAPTER 1 Changing Nature of Human Resource Management After you have read this chapter, you should be able to: ââ€"  Identify four major HR challenges currently facing organizations and managers. List and define each of the seven major categories of HR activities. Identify the three different roles of HR management. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Tragic Hero Of Julius Caesar By William Shakespeare

Tragic Hero Essay A tragic hero is a main character that is usually of noble birth, suffers a catastrophe, and has a tragic flaw during his or her role in a novel or play. In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Marcus Brutus is the tragic hero. When making a tragic hero, Shakespeare has his character go through hesitation and doubt before making a decision, presents the character with inner turmoil through soliloquy, and focuses on the choices the character makes instead of their fate. William Shakespeare has his tragic heroes be of noble birth and In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, â€Å"There was a Brutus once that would have brook d the eternal devil to keep his state in Rome as easily as a king.† (Shakespeare†¦show more content†¦However, the choices that they were making were very poor and led to negative consequences. He was also naive to see that Cassius needed someone to join the conspiracy who the Romans would listen to because of their nobility, and this person was him. When making his tragic heroes, William Shakespeare has his characters go through hesitation and doubt before taking action. He also has them experience internal conflict. When Brutus was conflicted about whether he should help with the killing Caesar or not, he went through internal conflict. He saw Caesar as an honorable man and as a friend, but he loved his country so much that he was willing to do anything he could to save it, even if it meant killing Caesar. According to J.L. Simmons, â€Å"Brutus attempts to separate ideal from reality by claiming that Caesar’s death is a sacrifice for Rome’s betterment, rather than a simple murder†. (Simmons 61). In his soliloquy in act 2, scene 1 we can see how he makes his final decision to kill Caesar. We can see here that Brutus struggled to come up with a final decision, but he does by saying â€Å"And therefore think him as a serpent s egg which, hatch’d, would, as his kind, grow mischievous, and kill h im in the shell.† (Shakespeare 2.1.32-34). Shakespeare also focuses on the character’s choices rather than their fate. The tragic hero of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar; Brutus made many bad decisions that contributed to negative outcomes.Show MoreRelatedThe Tragic Hero Of William Shakespeare s Julius Caesar1364 Words   |  6 Pages Brutus’s Tragic Downfall Throughout many of Shakespeare s plays, a tragic hero is present. A courageous character that has a tragic flaw, which leads to his downfall. Brutus is indeed the tragic hero of this play because when a person who possesses such heroic qualities dies, it is a true tragedy. A tragic hero has to start with everything and then end with near to nothing. This character often begins well liked and then starts to become less popular. At the beginning of the playRead MoreMarcus Brutus: The True Tragic Hero in Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare576 Words   |  2 PagesThe play Julius Caesar, written by William Shakespeare, starts out with a celebration in 44 BC Rome exactly one month before the Ides of March, which is when a group of conspirators plan on murdering Caesar. Cassius, the leader of the conspiracy, tries to recruit Marcus Brutus into the group because he believes it will make them look less like murderers and more like heroes. He agrees and helps carry out the assassination. T he story continues after Caesar’s death with a series of disagreements betweenRead More Julius Caesar - Tragic Hero Essay1028 Words   |  5 Pages Julius Caesar as a Tragic Hero amp;#9;Julius Caesar is a play written by William Shakespeare during the year 1597. Julius Caesar’s story involves a conspiracy against Julius Caesar, a powerful senator. The play involves a highly respected senator, Brutus, who decides to join the conspiracy to kill Julius Caesar, in the effort to keep democracy intact. Brutus believes that if Julius Caesar is allowed to live, Caesar will take a kingship and turn the government into a monarchy. Brutus, CassiusRead More Marcus Brutus as Tragic Hero in Shakespeares Julius Caesar Essays735 Words   |  3 PagesMarcus Brutus as Tragic Hero in Shakespeares Julius Caesar      Ã‚   In many stories there is a tragic hero. The hero finds out about himself and the people around him in the story. In Shakespeares play, Julius Caesar, Marcus Brutus is the tragic hero. The play Julius Caesar is about politics and betrayal in ancient Rome. Brutus is part of the senate, which is below Caesar, who is soon to be crowned. The senate wants to overthrow Caesar to save Rome. To do this the senate has to get BrutusRead MoreA Tragic Hero As Used By Shakespeare. In, â€Å"The Tragedy1657 Words   |  7 PagesA Tragic Hero as Used by Shakespeare In, â€Å"The Tragedy of Julius Caesar,† by William Shakespeare, you can see Shakespeare’s use of a tragic hero. The Tragedy of Julius Caesar is a play about how Marcus Brutus and Cassius contemplate the murder of the great Julius Caesar. The play discusses the planning of the murder, and the events that follow the catastrophe. Brutus is one of the conspirators in the murdering of Caesar and is also one of his beloved friends. Shakespeare incorporates traditionalRead MoreDas Brà ¼tus: A Tragic Hero996 Words   |  4 PagesDas Brà ¼tus: A Tragic Hero In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare, Brutus is the quintessence of a tragic hero. Webster’s Dictionary defines tragic hero as â€Å"Any person, especially a man, admired for courage, nobility etc. †¦ in a serious play with an unhappy ending† (277-626). This verbatim definition, however, is useless in an analytical essay. The idea of a tragic hero comes from Aristotle, who thought a tragic hero involved a character of high standing suffering a downfallRead MoreAnalysis Of Julius Shakespeare s Julius Caesar 1299 Words   |  6 PagesRole in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, written by William Shakespeare in 1599, is just one example of a typical Shakespearean tragedy. At the beginning of the book, the reader believes that the Julius Caesar is the main character and that the whole book will revolve around him. By the time the reader finishes the book it is clear that Decius Brutus, or just ‘Brutus’, is the main character and the tragic hero. Shakespeare’s idea of a tragic hero had five specific elementsRead More Julius Caesar Essay: Brutus as the Tragic Hero1043 Words   |  5 PagesBrutus as the Tragic Hero of Julius Caesar  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   Shakespeare’s tragedy, Julius Caesar, displays Brutus as a tragic hero, blinded loyalty and devotion. Brutuss heroic belief of honor and virtue was so powerful that it drove him to perform villainous actions and lead to his destruction. The tragic hero is presented as a person neither entirely good nor entirely evil, who is led by some tragic flaw to commit an act that results in suffering and utter defeat. (Morner, Kathleen RauschRead MoreJake Beidler. Mrs. Voshell. Honors English 10. 5 May 2017.1444 Words   |  6 PagesJake Beidler Mrs. Voshell Honors English 10 5 May 2017 The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, more like The Tragedy of Brutus The Tragedy of Julius Caesar is one of the better known, yet lesser understood theater installments by William Shakespeare in the Sixteenth Century. The play was first performed September 21, 1599 in the Globe Theatre in London, England. In the play there are many different and unique characters, some complex, some simple. Marcus Junius Brutus the Younger, better known as Brutus,Read MoreJulius Caesar : A Tragic Hero863 Words   |  4 PagesJulius Caesar is a well known piece of literature written by William Shakespeare in 1599. Within this play Julius Caesar is portrayed as a tragic hero. A tragic hero is defined as â€Å"the main character of a tragedy (who is) usually dignified, courageous, and high ranking† (Novel Study Guide). Also vital to defining a tragic hero is that, â€Å"the hero’s downfall is caused by a tragic flaw† (Novel Study Guide). It is evident that Julius Caesar in William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar is a tragic hero given

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Law Enforcement Challenges Free Essays

| Law Enforcement Challenges| [Type the document subtitle]| | Law Enforcement Challenges| | Cheryl TraceyProfessor Gregory BlancheCIS 170 Information Technology in Criminal Justice| 11/26/2012| | There are many challenges law enforcement agencies face when investigating internet exploitation, cyber stalking, and obscenity. Few challenges include overlapping effort, lack of funding, overlapping jurisdictions, and priority. The purpose of this paper is to explain in detail the greatest challenge law enforcement agencies investigating exploitation, cyber stalking, and obscenity, the specific challenges with overlapping of jurisdictions and solutions for overcoming these challenges, and to discuss if states should have the ability to work with one another when a cyber- crime is carried out across state lines. We will write a custom essay sample on Law Enforcement Challenges or any similar topic only for you Order Now I feel like the greatest challenge law enforcement agencies face in investigating exploitation, cyber stalking, and obscenity is issues with evidence and detection. â€Å"Data on the computer can be deleted, modified, or destroyed. (Taylor, Fritsch, Liederbach, Holt, 2012). It is very important for evidence to be collected, preserved, and examined right away. In most cases, 24 hours proves to be too late to recover non-tampered evidence. â€Å"Some computers have automatic wiping programs in case a new person touches the wrong key on the keyboard. † (http://www. supremecourt. gov. pk/ijc/Articles/10/2. pdf). Cyber forensics experts requires special tools which will be able to access any data available on the mass storage media including deleted files and data in unallocated disk areas. Although time is of the essence, it is very important that law enforcement agencies follow the search and seizures laws. A warrant must be issued first before any evidence can be gathered, searched, or reviewed. A major challenge to law enforcement agencies are overlapping jurisdictions. For example, â€Å"a cyber-stalker may reside in a different city or even state than the victim, making it difficult for one agency to investigate. †(Taylor, Fritsch, Liederbach, Holt, 2012). Obtaining assistance from out of state agencies can be limited due to the circumstances. Cyber criminals are able to operate nationwide. This is why law enforcement agencies have to work with local officials, foreign governments, and other agencies. Some agencies will work with other agencies only if the crime is serious enough. To solve these problems, I would have it to where each agency has a department just for cybercrimes and each agency has jurisdiction to work with one another. Jurisdiction laws would no longer exist for cybercrimes. I feel states should have the ability to work with one another when a cybercrime is carried out across state lines. Especially in cases where cyber bullying, child pornography, cyber stalking, or fraud is happening. I think everyone should work together to try and fight all types of crime. In conclusion, our local government needs to implement laws and procedures to work together on every type of crime. I feel as though jurisdiction should have nothing to do with rather to pursue a crime or not. Cybercrimes should be a first priority and try and think of ways to have a monitoring system may certain words typed on the internet further investigation needs to be done. Reference: Taylor, R. W. , Fritsch, E. J. , Liederbach, J. , Holt, T. J. (2011). Ditigal crime and digital terrorism. (Second ed. , pp. 180-182). Upper Saddle River: Pearson Learing Solutions. http://www. supremecourt. gov. pk/ijc/Articles/10/2. pdf http://www. naavi. org/cl_editorial_04/edit_6_jan_04_01. htm How to cite Law Enforcement Challenges, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Ballard Integrated Managed Services, Inc. Essay Sample free essay sample

Solution-problem. intent. research inquiries. and hypothesis. In sing the analysis and overview of the BIMS Ballard Integrated Managed Services. Inc. . This Corporation’s competitory advantage lies in its ability to uniting several services to Fortune 100 companies. You should analyse the chief job which is the ground why staff is non motivated and many preparation staff leaves the organisation. ensuing in a high turnover. which is non cost effectual for the organisation. See that the intent for making the study of employee low morale was to place the factors that were taking to such a blue state of affairs within the organisation. See the work that Barbara. the director charged with seeking to bring out why the morale was so low. did as to why the work end product was progressively acquiring poorer. She and her staff developed research inquiries that addressed psychological factors that deal with how people felt about their employment. See how the hypotheses of the study â€Å"asked workers to show their position about working conditions. displacement hours. quality of preparation. degree of compensation. just intervention. internal company communications. and occupation security† . ( BIMS Case survey ) These are of import hypotheses. because the consequences would cast visible radiation on why the unease is happening. and so the organisation can take a targeted attack in repairing the state of affairs. The employee turnover rate at Ballard Integrated Managed Services. Inc. late has been unexplainably high. General Manager. Barbara Tucker. noticed that the morale of her staff had declined and took action to rectify this. Barbara reached out to the human resources director. Debbie Horner. who developed an employee study to seek replies for the deficiency of morale. Barbara has asked Team C to analyse the information from the study to do certain that it is valid and utile by construing the consequences in a study and PowerPoint presentation. The information included in this study will assist BIMS find the cause of the high turnover and suggestions to change by reversal the tendency. Overview – Problem General Manager. Barbara Tucker. thinks the morale of her staff at the Douglas Medical Center has weakened. Her employer. â€Å"Ballard Integrated Managed Services. Inc. ( BIMS ) . typically experiences an one-year turnover rate of 55 to 60 % † ( University of Phoenix. 2012. p. 2 ) . nevertheless over the past four months the rate has increased to over 64 % . The workers who have chosen to go forth make non uncover their logical thinking that has left many inquiries unreciprocated. Aim The intent of the acquisition squad was to move as a confer withing group to the top direction squad. Barbara Tucker asked the squad to analyse the information from the study to do certain that it is valid and utile. The human resources director. Debbie Horner. developed an employee study to be given to all 449 employees inquiring him or her to show his or her satisfaction with the company. Unfortunately. merely 78 employees responded. a 17. 3 % response rate. Directors and supervisors are still fighting to understand the logical thinking for the increased turnover and were anticipating the study to supply them with more replies. Research Questions Research inquiries could be: How is Ballard Integrated Managed Services. Inc. and its services affected by the negative moral issues of employees? Is a study with a 17. 3 % response rate an equal sample to pull decisions from? Hypothesiss The information from the study does non supply adequate information to cognize the ground for the lessening in employee morale and addition in the turnover rate. The responses were skewed toward the housework employees. doing the informations obtained from the study to be an inaccurate representation of the employee population at the Douglas Medical Center site. Hypothesiss could include: * H0 ( Null ) – workers are satisfied with their compensation. * H1 ( Alternative ) – workers are unsatisfied with their compensation. Data Collection Instrument The instrument used in the BIMS study is the Likert graduated table. The Likert graduated tables is used for developing class ratings and market studies. The study that Debbie conducted was in hopes of the 449 employees of BIMS to show how they feel about certain countries of the company. The study included inquiries in mention to working conditions. displacements. preparation. and pay rate. In this graduated table the top picks used in the study are strongly agree. agree. impersonal. disagree. and strongly differ. The Likert graduated table is used to delegate quantitative values to qualitative informations. This graduated table helps to do the informations responsive to statistical analysis. A numerical value is given to each pick and the mean for responses is computed at the terminal of the rating. Debbie made the study optional and top direction was non required to answer. Type of Data Collected In the BIMS research study the inquiries developed by Debbie were a combination of both quantitative and qualitative informations. The first 10 inquiries on the study are utilizing qualitative informations because it is utilizing a superior system to rate how they feel. In the last five inquiries it uses a combination of both informations types. The study informations will be collected as the employees turn in their studies to Debbie. Debbie is besides roll uping informations for demographics to divide informations. This information will be put into a spreadsheet for farther analysis.