Saturday, February 29, 2020

Is there microbial life in Mars Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Is there microbial life in Mars - Research Paper Example Most recently, scientists have come up with new and improved evidence to support their claims of life on Mars. The experiments, discoveries and propositions put forward by the scientists over the period of time regarding life on Mars are discussed further in the paper. The signs of microbial life first came into picture when the experiments of the Labeled Release (LR) apparatus turned out to be positive. This experiment tested on a sample of Martian soil by mixing it with a drop of water constituting of nutrients and radioactive carbon atoms. If the soil was positive for microbial life, the nutrients in the soil would be metabolized and radioactive gases such as methane or carbon dioxide would be produced. Control samples were also prepared by heating or isolating the samples that would kill any form of life if it existed. Control samples were also mixed with nutrient solutions; hence the control experiments provided a comparison. To the amusement and the excitement of the scientists , the LR experiment turned out positive for life. â€Å"The minute the nutrients were mixed with the soil sample, you got something like 10,000 counts of radioactive molecules- a huge spike from the 50 or 60 counts that constituted the natural background radiation on Mars† (Than). These were the earliest experiments performed by the NASA scientists in pursuit of their discovery for life on Mars. Although the LR experiments turned out positive but other space probes’ experiments were negative, making the existence of microbial life on Mars skeptical. Recently, the gas emissions on Mars have been linked to biological source. The experts believe that the chances for organisms to be a source of the gasses are quite explanatory and supportive of microbial life on Mars. The methane gas produced on the Red Planet is suspected to be produced by certain microbiological organisms. On the other hand, some scientists believe that methane can be a result of geological reasons i.e. volcanic processes. However, no active volcanoes have been discovered up till now on Mars. This evidence and explanation strengthens the probability of microbial life on Earth. Scientists have explained that methanogens, certain organisms, release methane as a waste product which dwells in the water beneath the underground ice. According to Prof Pillinger, â€Å"The most obvious source of methane is organisms. So if you find methane in an atmosphere, you can suspect there is life† (Staff Reporters). Miller and mathematician Giorgio Bianciardi, employed a cluster analysis technique on the Viking’s data. This technique groups together similar looking data. This analysis was performed to evaluate the realism of the experiments and investigate the outcome of the experiments. The technique turned out with two clusters; one with two active experiments and the other with five control experiments. The biological experiments from Earth sorted with the active experiments from Vi king exhibiting the validity of claims of microbial life on Mars. Another finding which supports the previous LR experiments is the Martian Rhythms. Circadian rhythms are internal clocks which can be found in every living thing, including microbes. On Earth the clock is set to 24 hour while on Mars it should be 24.7 hours, which is the duration of a Martian day. Miller noticed that the radioactive gas measurement sin the LR experiments exhibited a rhythmic rise during the day and decline during the night. The oscillations were in accordance with the Martian

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

History of US Army National Guard Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

History of US Army National Guard - Essay Example In 1636 Massachusetts followed in the footsteps of Virginia and established laws for militia on 13th December at the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The Dutch settlers in America also formed an organization on the similar lines as the English militia and named it the Burgher Guard. However, in 1653 the Dutch and the English engaged in a conflict over land. Such conflicts would arise time and again but in 1964 the British captured Amsterdam and the Burgher Guard surrendered and was then transformed to foot soldiers under the leadership of Captain Nicholas Bayard. The militia of each colony was responsible for its own funding and upkeep, thus the militia of each colony was vastly different from one another on basis of military equipments and substantial training. The militia assisted the Continental army during the Revolutionary wars and though it is believed that the militia had no crucial role in the winning strategy, it steadily gained importance. The Continental Congress passed its own f irst Militia Act on 18th July, 1775 while New York coded its own Provincial Militia Act on 22nd August, 1775. Federalists were of the opinion that instead of a militia regiment, fully trained and professional soldiers should be hired. But, no one paid attention to their arguments. In fact in 1776, New York’s militia was reorganized into two divisions. The first division included all the Manhattan (present New York) units while the Second division included the rest of the units. Again in 1789 the U.S constitution was signed and soon after in 1792 the U.S. Militia Act was passed. Both these steps proved that U.S supported the idea of including citizens in the military. Though such measures showed the firm belief that the Government had in the militia’s ability, but for some time the ability could not be tested because there was no such need. But, soon enough the militia got an opportunity to display its skills to safeguard the interests of the U.S. The British and the Fr ench were engaged in wars between themselves which interfered with the sea-trading rights of the U.S. The goods ship of several U.S. merchants were seized by the Europeans illegally At last the U.S congress had no other choice but to propose the Embargo Act in 1807 on the recommendation of President Thomas Jefferson which was finally passed as law on 22nd decenber,1907. On12th February, 1808, New York successfully passed the Act of Defense of the Northern and Western Frontiers, to protect its own interests. This increased hostility among the countries and in June, 1812. U.S declared war on Great Britain. This war, known as the War of 1812, continued for almost three years. However, here again the militia had no substantial role in the victory, because the militia was poorly funded and lacked good equipment and leadership. Yet, the U.S won because of the fact that Britain had no interests in the war and was fighting it almost for show. In fact all of Britain’s resources were e ngaged in war with France. Even after defeating France in the wars, Britain had no interests in the War of 1812 and again engaged herself with the colonization of the Eastern parts. The U.S had won the War but Britain did not acknowledge the defeat and offered peace to U.S on 11th February, 1815. The treaty of peace was signed on 20th