Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Case Study Finding The Right Staff - 1028 Words

Business Topic: US businesses are struggling more in current years than ever before. Many of the struggles are the same for several businesses; no matter the size or focus of the business. These struggles are causing many businesses to close and others to refocus their business strategies. For many these issues are forcing business out of the US. The US economy is suffering along with the businesses. The top eight problems businesses are facing are integrity, cash borrowing, increased competition, marketing and customer loyalty, uncertainty, regulations, problem solving and risk management and finding the right staff, as defined by Connor, C., contributor (March 04, 2013) The ‘8’ Great Challenges every Business Faces (And How to Master them All), Forbes Entrepreneur, Retrieved from In this paper the topic of â€Å"finding the right staff† will be discussed through research. Many businesses are struggling to comply with staffing requirements and needs. This is a large problem for many different kinds of businesses; whether they are manufacturing, schools, or healthcare. Staffing is a real issue in the healthcare field. This research will focus on the healthcare system and staffing for health care. The focus will be to determine the accuracy of the problem and identify some solutions to the issue. Business Problem: Currently the health care field is experiences severe staffing shortages. For example, Long term care nursing facilities are havingShow MoreRelatedCase Study Approaches to Ethical Dilemas Essay1151 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿ Case Study Approaches to Ethical Dilemmas LaDonna Landry BSHS 335 January 12, 2015 Nicole Zmuda Case Study Approaches to Ethical Dilemmas The case study I chose is that of six-year-old Tavion Robinson who was taken to Methodist Hospital by his father for a broken arm and abrasions. There were a couple of things in this case that could insinuate that the broken arm and abrasions were not an accident. 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